Thursday, January 27, 2011


She's a dark skinned beautiful 5 ft 7 inch shapely woman. Intelligentbrilliant,humble, compassionate,respectfu,discipline,outgoing,submissive to her husband,a good cook and she's independent;what more can a man ask for...
She owns and runs one of the most classy and prestigious beauty spas in the city. As a daily routine,she gets up as early as 6:00 am to get her husband ready for work. She turns on the water heater for him to have a hot bath which he enjoys in the mornings,especially at cold weathers,has his breakfast and heads for work. As soon as he's off to work,she's getting her 5yr old son ready for school,while she prepares herself for the day's business.
Clara Phillips is the owner and chief executive officer of "VILLAGE CRAFT SPA",a very successful outfit located in the heart of town just a few blocks from her home.
She drives on of the most Prestigious cars in town. She's obviously very popular because of the spa. Whenever she's driving by,people could't help but watch her drive pass. However,she doesn't fail to let those who cares to know how much she loves and cherishes her husband...
Nonso Phillips is a successful real estate mogul. He owns his own firm and is good at what he does.
He's a hot cake because people respect and find him very reliable.,he's the genius. He's 6 ft 1,dark and handsome,no wonder ladies couldn't take their eyes off him. Despite the fact that he had a woman as beautiful and intelligent as Clara as his wife,he still couldn't keep his eyes off beautiful women;which is very typical of men who are polygamous in nature.
The society frowns at married woman who have other affairs outside matrimony,but it's ok for men to mess around and no curse will be on then...
Clara had her son through C.section and because of that she was told not to try getting pregnant for a couple of more years. This became a cause for concern for her because Nonso was not willing to wait that long to have another child. Nonso had started an affair with one of his numerous girlfriends,this lady is someone very close to the family,an undergraduate. After her graduation a year later,he got her an apartment in the outskirts of town. To cut the story shut,this lady became pregnant a year after!
Clara was still unaware of it all the while. Sonia the mystery lady was no longer comfortable being "the other woman".
Four years into this unholy relationship had rumours started filtering around town about Nonso's secret affair. Clara was devastated and disappointed. "how could you Nonso? I trusted you!",she cried.
She began a solo investigation. The shock was too much for her to handle when the discovered that the the lady in question was her best friend's younger sister!
She didn't want to ask for a divorce because of her son,she didn't want him to be raised in a broken home,so she was left with no other choice but to ask the other woman to move in! That singular decision made the woman and her husband Nonso very uncomfortable;she disappeared into thin air,not even Nonso knew her whereabout, only for her to reappear fifteen months later with a 1 and half yr old girl.
She went straight to Clara,knelt down in front of her and started crying,and started pleading,and i quote "I"ve wronged you,i knew Nonso was your husband,but i still went ahead with it,i don't have an excuse for my actions,and my sister and family ain't' happy with me. This is Nonso's daughter,,her name is zaria,she 's your daughter too,i want to move on with my life,i want to be free of guilt,please tell Nonso not to bother looking for me because he'll never find me! She gave zaria's luggage to her and stormed out of the house. After all the drama Clara and husband reconciled and two years later, gave birth to another child.. If not for Clara's maturity in handling the issue,she would have lost her husband and happiness..,men are not worth the trouble!
This is a true life story.

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