Sunday, January 15, 2017

20 Money Saving Tips

Savino money takes discipline especially at this time of recession. I have created this list to help us develop the habit of saving.
1. Turn off electric bulbs if they're not in use or when you leave the room.
2. Patronize garage/yard sales. You can save a lot of money by visiting these sales.
3. Buy quality appliances. It is better to buy quality when it comes to appliances as buying Sub-standard would make you spend money on repairs.
4. Have a meal time table.
5. Do Coupons. Coupons are great in helping to save money especially on groceries. Look out for Malls that accept them;cut them out of daily newspapers and magazines and also online printed. ones.
6. Buy fairly used. When it comes to buying things like cookwares,china wares,mugs,drove,etc,fairly used could help you save more.
7. Do more of home cooking instead of spending more eating out.
8. Stick to reliable fuel-efficient cars.
9. Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast tends to make you eat more during the day. Eating breakfast  fills you up with loads of energy for the rest of the day.
10. Try to fix things around the house yourself,e.g house-painting.
11. Clean or change your car air filter  as this will help improve the fuel mileage.
12. Do not visit Malls. If you're trying to save,stay away from Malls,though they're fun to visit,but can also be a temptation.
13. Dress moderately. Try as much as you can to avoid costly clothings and accessories if you're trying to save.
14. Look out for a Free skill aquisition and outreach events in your neighbourhood.
15. Save your loose change. Throw them in a piggy bank-leaving them for a minimum of Six months,you'd be amazed at how much you've been able to save.
16. Avoid impulse shopping. Endeavour to do a shopping list before you go shopping.
17. Use only the ATMs of your banks,as other banks card could attract charges.
18.   Take public trznsportation once in a while.
19. Save half of your salary or profit from sales made.
20. Live near your work place.