Thursday, October 1, 2015


Do You Know That:
*Cats can rotate their ears 360degrees
*Frogs never ever close their eyes,not even when they sleep.
*Girrafes sleep for only five minutes.
*Carrots help your teeth by scrubbing plaque away.
*Potatoes were the first vegitables ever to be grown in outer space.
*Watermelon are 85% water
*Somewhere in Brazil people nod their heads to say no and shake it to say yes.
*It once snowed in Sahara desert

Did You Know:

Did You Know That-
1. The adult human has 2 to 9 pounds of bacteria in their body?
2.Snakes swallow foods bigger than their mouth..
3.Some people never develop finger prints at all.
4.Mayonnaise is made from oil and eggs..

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Surprising Uses Of Baking Soda

 Baking Soda has numerous benefits to our health and beauty.

Did you know;

* You can use baking soda as a face wash-Just mix a tablespoon of baking soda with 2-3 tablespoons of water and gently massage into your face for about  one mimute in circular motions,then rinse.This will make your skin very soft and smooth.
*Use as a deodorant-Mix about 3 tbsp of baking soda in a bowl,add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Mix it all together and your deodorant is ready. You can use a powder puff or cotton wool to apply it to your armpit'it will neutralize underarms odour.
* Baking soda as shampoo-Mix some baking soda with your favourite shampoo,just enough measure for the quantity of shampoo you want to use. Wash your hair with this mix at least for once in a month.
*For teeth whithening- You can either apply some baking soda on your toothbrush and brush as usual or add o little of it on your brush with your toothpaste.Brush gently considering the nature of baking soda. Do this for about 2 days and stop until after about a month or thereabout. Do not do this if you have sensitive teeth.
*Wash your makeup brushes-This will help remove oil build-ups and residue from your cosmetic tools.Mix 1 tbsp of baking soda to a cup of water and soak your brushes.
*Wash your fruits and veggies
*Mouthwash-Mix a tablespoon of baking soda and 2-3 drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water.baam! Your mouthwash is ready.It will neutralise bacteria and freshen your breath.

Note:Baking soda is non toxic and it is very effective,tried and tested.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Have you tried eating unripe plantain flour as an alternative to eating cassava based meals like Eba,Fufu,etc? Plantain flour is made from dried unripe plantain. TONKA plantain flour organically grown,dried,ground and packaged at Akwa ibom state is healthy especially for people who are diabetic.
Health Benefits: Healthy pregnancy,Immune booster,Enhances male fertility,Energy booster and Kidney health,etc.
Follow me on twitter to get more information on TONKA plantain flour.
Ingredients:Un-ripe plantain(organic) Ginger,Garlic and Moringa leaf.