Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This generation of people have taken the existence of modern inventions,such as cars,aeroplanes,sattelite tv,plasma and lcd screen tvs,mobile devices etc,to mean happiness. Yes they have their advantages as well as disadvantages. Happiness is an attitude of mind.It has nothing to do with modern inventions.The environment and circumstances in which our forefathers lived gave them an attitude of mind that produced happiness in them.They were not in the jet age in which the order of the day is hurry,hurry,hurry!They did not have wrist watches or time pieces,so there was not the issue of getting late to anywhere. Today,we live in the jet age where every body is in a hurry.In Nigeria,even our children children have no time to play,they spend long hours in school,some even fall asleep in the classroom.They must wake up early in order not to be late to school,when they return home,they must study their books and do their home work if they want to pass their examinations.Such unleisurely life is unpleasant and makes one unhappy and irritable,and since education is the key to success,without it you can not succeed easily. The woes of modern living are not confined to the children alone, adults have even a greater portion of miseries.They do not even have a full rest at night.They sleep late and wake up as early as 5.am as it is here in lagos.They stay long hours in their places of work,so dreary is the present way of life that some have gone mentally deranged.These are some of the reasons why people no longer live long,and also why there are a lot of mad men and women on the streets of lagos and other cities.This is why i know that our forefathers must have lived happier lives. In contrast to our busy modern existece,our forefathers lived a pleasant leisurely life.In nigeria then,they moved in groups to their farms and returned home when they were tired.They were not under any compultion to work for any number of hours as we do in our places of work today. One of the banes of modern civilisation is the competitive aymosphere in which we live.There is competition in schools,sports,competition in our offices and even in our businesses.Each one aspires to outdo his colleague or neighbours.The competitive spirit makes the modern people restless and has purged us them of all true happiness and peace of mind.No one can succeed to always outdo or outshine yhe other.We have forgotten that success is not always what we see.There are people who have all the good things of live but choose not to rub it on other peoples face. The people of nowadays are always disappointed in their vain ambitions.Those who have small cars will still be sad that they do not have a house,while those who have achieved all they want still wat to acquire more. To make matters worse,people worship and praise those who have expensive and flashy cars,houses and other properties to flaunt without without minding their source. In the olden days,people were content with what they had and were therefore happier than the people of today.